Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just sorta thinkin....

I feel like I always get down at the end of the schoolweek. I don't know if this happens to other people or not. It's kind of weird though. Maybe it's just because the week is so intense and busy that when I get to the end of it I'm exhausted and my stamina's down. Or maybe it's just part of life that I have to deal with.......Anyway, I think that I'm gonna try to stop looking at other people's opinions and planning's for medical school. That always seems to get me down. I feel like their in a whole other league than me and get intimitated. Then I see how much money goes inti med school and how much people seem to dislike being in continous study and that only adds to the burden. Lord knows right? He's always known and He'll work it out for the best. I just have to be patient and trust Him when my emotions get even me confused....I don't think that I really anticipated having this much on my shoulders before I came to college. I was so naive and carefree. I was like, "WooHoo, I'm going to California", "I'm getting out of the house and life is going to just be a big adventure now!!!". Hahahaha. I didn't anticipate the workload that's taken quite a toll on me now. That's alright tho. Just giving it a shot right? Lord knows what He wants me to do. I should still have that same sense of adventure and excitement. I still don't know what the future or even tommorow holds. But trusting in the Lord takes all of that burden off of me.......Life is good. Just knowing that I've got nothing to lose. By God's grace my eternal standing in Christ is secure. Whatever life throws at me, I know that I have eternity in heaven with the Lord to look forward to. No worries....No worries at all.

In Christ, Josh

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