Thursday, October 23, 2008

Top 10 Medical School prospects as of today....

I talked with Dr. Anderson the other day and, to make a long story short, realized that I need to, trusting in the Lord and depending only on His strength, work my hardest and best towards the career that I feel He is leading me to and the avenue of getting there, medical school. As tough as it may seem, by God's soverignty I'll be wherever He wants me at, but that doesn't give an excuse to slack off or not work hard. Knowing that I am working at it for His glory should encourage me to work harder not ease off. So anyway, here are my top 10 medical school options as of right now, Thursday, October 23, 2008:

1) Baylor College of Medicine
2) University of Wisconsin-Madison
3) Medical College of Wisconsin
4) University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
5) University of Texas (Houston)
6) University of Virginia
7) University of Washington
8) Wake Forest University
9) Yale University
10) Harvard University

Some of these schools may definitely seem out of reach but whatever happens, I know the Lord's in control. And that's all the security I need. It's been a long day. Good-night.

In Christ, Josh

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