Thursday, March 27, 2008

Keep trusting in the Lord.

Wow. Sometimes I feel like a worthless Biology/Pre-Medicine student. From the world's perspective I probably am. Had a solid GPA following my freshman year but totally "blew it" Fall term 2007. Not able to pass my two hardest classes. Faced with the reality that, from a worldy perspective, my chances of getting into medical school are pretty slim......But you know what, this isn't how things really are. You see, God doesn't "grade" my standing spiritually based on my standing academically. He looks at my heart. Therefore only when I fail to be faithful to Him do I fail. If I comprimise being who Christ has called me to be for what this wicked world has to offer, then and only then have I truly failed. This isn't to say that good grades and strong standing and Christ can't go hand in hand. However, it is to say that our standing in Christ should take strong precedence over where one stands academically. Academics are just a tool. Personally, I feel that the Lord is leading me to be a missionary doctor. This is what my heart longs to do. I want to bring glory and honor to our Savior by being used as an effective witness tool for Him. This is all that I want. People can go on and rush and push and try to get their "prominent" standing in medicine if they want to. My focus is in a different direction. When I approach death, if the Lord tarries, I only want to be able to take complete joy in the fact that the Lord delivered me from the death and eternal punishment that was due me and used my life in a way that brings glory and honor to Him. I love the Lord. There is nothing I want more than to honor and glorify Him through my life. Everything else is just a means to this end. If med school works out, fabulous. If it doesn't, fabulous just the same. I must remember my foremost calling on this earth, to honor and glorify the Lord through a heart that loves Him more deeply than anything else. Because the fact of the matter is, if I forget this truth it truly is a worthless life that I or any other Pre-Med major, no matter what the level of academic standing, lives. May God be glorified through my life! In Christ, Josh

1 comment:

pianochick_92 said...

So very true and encouraging Josh. Keep it up with the encouraging posts! Love ya!