Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welp, another week comes to a close......

Well, today was a busy day academically. I had a big Cultural Geography exam, a pretty big World Religions exam, and, just when I felt like I could loosen up a bit, a Physics pop quiz to close out the night :) Aaa, that's alright tho. The longer I go on in school, the more I learn that education is a continual process. It's never really "done" until the semester is over....But, no reason for complaints, I'm still very thankful to have this opportunity....I mentioned to one of my classmates during a break in Physics that I'd like to graduate a semester early. I think that some of my classmates get the impression that I'm a little genius nerd who doesn't have to work for anything and gets a 4.0. I almost chuckle to myself, when I think about the struggle and difficulty that I've faced in this major. It's never been easy. I have to struggle just to be somewhat competitive/eligible for med school. I've had to push myself to total exhaustion many a time. I feel that if this is what the Lord wants me to do He will provide the strength that I need, no matter how tough it gets....It's easy to say, "Well just sit down and study", but I think that if anyone stepped into my shoes for a little while, they'd see how hard it is to sit in a chair and study when you feel like your body is more designed for physical labor or some other sort of physical activity....The Lord has been very kind in helping me to make it this far in college and only His grace and strength will help me persevere to the end.....Well, Lordwilling tommorow I'm going on a trip with some of my best friends at school here to the beach and stuff for a couple days. At first I was only gonna go for a day or possibly not go, but since three of my best friends are going that won't be here next semester, I figured I should enjoy hanging out with them while there's still time. I'll just try to bring some homework with me :)......So ya, everything's going pretty good still. Just trying to be diligent and pull my grades up as the semester starts to close...... "In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation--having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise,
who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory." (Ephesians 1:13-14, NASB)

In Him, Josh

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