Monday, November 3, 2008

Man, I'm really startin to get burnt out of school....

It's tough for me to say, but I really don't know what's going on. I just feel really tired of school right now and the more I try to push myself the touher it is for me to focus. I don't think that it's laziness because, by God's grace, I've been able to make it through much mor challenging circumstances than this before. Maybe some of how I was feeling last night is just from academic fatiuge or something. I feel pretty lame giving this excuse but maybe doing OChem and working over the summer followed by this fall is what's burning me out. And I'm approaching the time when I'm going to need to be most disciplined--studying for the MCAT!!! I hope that I am not receiving the consequences of trying to do too much at once again. I just feel like I need some motivation and drive or something. I'm just really having a tough time focusing on school right now. I know I was kind of down after hearing from my parents about the troubles of some of our family's old friends last night. So maybe that's it. I don't know what it is. I do know this though (James 1:12 NASB): "Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." Just gotta trust that promise and keep plugging away. Even when the going gets tough like it is right now....

In Him, Josh


pianochick_92 said...

I was really encouraged by your last post, Josh. And this one too. Mom told me about the struggles with family friends and it really was disheartening. But I was really encouraged by your last one, because I've been struggling with the whole not reading alot thing, and the Lord has really granted me grace to find time to spend time in his word. And really, I was feeling like I don't have time too, but I've found that carrying a small devo book in my backpack (one with verses at the bottom too) is a great way to have devo time during small breaks.

pianochick_92 said...

so I thought that I'd share with you a way to make devo time....if that helps :) love ya J, and Lord bless you and keep on posting! your posts are really encouraging!