Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Fall 2008 semester is over!!! Praise the Lord for His strength and provision!!!

Wow, the semester finally came to a close today, as I stepped out of the RCSM room in which my Physiology I final took place. It seems like I always get this refreshed feeling after a semester has completed. Especially this semester, I feel very grateful to be done...To say it straight up, this has been a difficult year for me and I'm sure many others. However, as I was thinking tonight, my joy is found in knowing that our Savior will take care of me and that this life is very brief. Whatever happens He is in control. I am filled with joy when I realize that no matter how hard the wicked one may plot against me, plague me with guilt and doubt, and try to cause me to stumble, our God still sits on His throne and has all power and authority over the wicked one. What a blessed thought that is! Our hope and strength in time of need is our merciful Savior who has soverignly chosen us to be His children! This hope and strength has been put on display even more this year I feel. I debated switching majors (though biology is all I'd really want to be in school for), felt crippled by physical weakness and sickness in the early part of the year, struggled viscously with Organic Chemistry I and II over the summer while working, tried to decide whether or not it was a wise idea to transfer to another college, and came back this semester to 17 units of coursework, and struggling with doubting the very God who loves me and sustains me daily! The spectacular part is that I really could and can see God's working throughout all of this. Trials are part of our lives as Christians and it is to our benefit as believers that they happen (James 1). If there was no struggle maybe I would grow apathetic and lazy in walking as a Christian. I don't have all of the answers but I know that God is good and that He provides when provision seems impossible...As Psalm 34:8 (NIV) says, "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." May the Lord be the refuge to every believer and help us to see that we are but pilgrims on this earth. Persevere for His purposes. I pray that I will, even as I try to rest my body over this wonderful Christmas break :). May our Lord be glorified forever!

In Christ, Josh

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